Hile Teuk Kampuchea (HTK) is registered!
SWIM Cambodia has been working hard to develop a local drowning prevention partnership. We believe that this collaboration will be strong and effective in keeping children safe against drowning all over Cambodia. We have been supporting the formation and registration of a local NGO (charity) in Cambodia. After a lot of collaborating, thinking, planning and work, registration is complete! The new Cambodian organisation is called ‘Hile Teuk Kampuchea’ which means ‘Swim Cambodia’ or literally ‘pull water (swim) Cambodia’. We will call it ‘HTK’ for short.

Why a new National Organisation?
The SWIM Cambodia trustees, and Cambodian advisors believe that developing local leadership and a sustainable partnership through HTK will be effective in securing greater impact for the delivery of drowning prevention interventions. HTK will deliver water safety, rescue, survival swimming and CPR education to children, parents and carers. HTK will work to gain agreement with government ministries and local authorities with the aim of integrating drowning prevention interventions into the Cambodian school curriculum.
Meet the HTK Board

The new HTK logo

An HTK planning meeting (below) with the new board and advisors. The HTK team is made up of SWIM Cambodia trainers and other inspiring Cambodians who are passionate about drowning prevention for children.

The new HTK Office & Training Space

Here, above, is the new HTK office in Phnom Penh (the capital city of Cambodia). The office is shared with one of one of our delivery partners, Youth Star. We love the new HTK sign!
Next steps
There is plenty of work ahead for SWIM Cambodia and HTK. These next steps include a huge amount of fundraising work, planning our first survival swimming project and the exciting job of recruiting and training new staff to keep many more children, young people and communities safe from drowning.

With heartfelt thanks for your ongoing support
Please give generously to support SWIM Cambodia & HTK’s work
to stop children drowning. We cannot do it without you.